It’s been quoted that our future society rests in the hands of our children. It is today’s youth that has the ability to bring this world to its’ knees, or allow it to soar higher and further than anyone could ever imagine or inspire to dream. But what about the forgotten children? The ones whose talents lie not in their physical or mental structure, but are buried deep inside where only a special key held by a determined loving hand can reach or even hope to unlock.
These are the children and young adults in the community whose lives are effected by terminal illness, deafness, blindness, HIV, and a myriad of other physical and mental circumstances. These children consist of a virtual rainbow of cultural, social, economic, and traditional backgrounds that join together in a single bond and goal, “WHERE HANDS NOT ONLY REACH ... BUT TOUCH.”
The lucky ones have the privilege of being able to go to a camp with others like themselves for six (6) or seven (7) days, once a year in the summer. They can only hope to live long enough to make it through another year to once again be treated to a week of sun, fun, and recreation. In that year, they will be poked, prodded, tested, examined, and endure pain, nausea, and embarrassment that few of us “lucky, healthy” people will ever have to be subjected to or be able to comprehend.
It is our dream and firm conviction that there is a desperate calling for many facilities across the state for these physically and mentally challenged youth to call their own throughout the year. Places specifically designed and crafted for kids with their special needs, talents, and gifts in mind. That’s why we have designed this first ever year-round retreat camp program, known collectively as Skyeward Bound Ranch
Everyone deserves to have a “memory place.” A getaway to assemble positive thoughts and exercise the mental momentum necessary to stimulate and champion the weeks and months ahead. Skyeward Bound Ranch affords these young people and their families an opportunity to grow personally and to educate him/herself in mastering strong techniques in helping reinforce a higher standard of individual success. Through its fundraising benefits and charity auctions, Skyeward Bound Ranch raises tens of thousands of dollars every year, enabling multiple camps across Texas to sponsor young people as part of it's year-round retreat program.
We are committed to being able to teach and show these camp participants their strengths are merely extensions of their weaknesses. Through their own abilities and individual skills, combined with a strong faith in themselves, they can succeed in any endeavor they set their minds and hearts to achieve. Real learning occurs when a person puts to use what he/she has been taught. With the right direction and guidance, each of these especially qualified individuals can benefit and go on to be a positive contribution to their family, community, and future society.
Skyeward Bound Ranch also provides the ability for local and statewide youth group involvement. This allows the members of 4-H, Boy/Girl Scouts, high school, church, and other key youth organizations to come and enrich the youth interaction development in a ranch environment, partnering with well established and respected organizations across the state. Not only will they be able to earn their service awards, patches, and certificates, but the participants will gain a new appreciation, insight, and loving acceptance and understanding of their new friends. |

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